Wednesday 19 September 2012

Keyboard Gangstas... Ofentse Melato

As technology evolved and the magic of it all was beyond just being able to change the TV with a remote or watch some dirty nasty video on our phones, we never imagined we would be in an era where there ‘gangstas’ online. People who would be on some “say some sh*t before I press delete on your a**”. Nowadays people constantly screen-munch your sh*t and threaten you with pressing enter on your thoughts. Yup, that’s the luxury that technology has afforded us today.

Forget the days of one life during the day and another after dark (and no, I don’t mean those lovely ladies of the night). Those who were always trapped between what they want to be and what they have to be are liberated. You are no longer confined to living with your reality and escaping to your fantasy world (that’s the farm for the funny), now you can have an online personality that fully enjoys existence day to day 24/7/365. Be it a priest offline and Captain Save-A-Ho online, a boring accountant offline and busy freak online or a dirty rat offline but a saint online. You can be anything that you want to be as long as you’re behind a keyboard of some sort, who is going to prove you otherwise?

I know fellas who would literally piss their pants if they had to talk to a woman in real life, you know, those all of a sudden they become one of those stuttering mofos. But today they are QWERTY Casanovas (look at your keyboard if you don’t know what QWERTY is or ask your online personality for help). Then you want to out them because you know them in real life and they re not like that but here’s the catch…
1) How are you gonna prove it and
2) How do you keep them from exposing you?
That’s right, 9/10 times when you want to expose someone, they either have sh*t on you or someone who has sh*t on you  is watching so you and your online personality better tell each other’s secrets to make sure you both guard your backs. If you are not careful, you might even fight with your online gets ugly.

That right there is the beauty of online personalities. As long as no harm is done to another soul, online personalities afford you the space and resources to be who you want to be and how you want to be, when you want to be (just watch out for that 419 wayo).Those that need to know the real you already know and those that don’t, just have to keep wondering if you  really are this messed up in real life. What’s personally great for me is that, I can be so outlandish online that people refuse to believe that I can actually be like that in real life. What more can a person ask for is you can live out your fantasy that well? That’s like saying “Hey, I’m a f**king good liar and that’s no lie” , do you believe it or not? While you are figuring that out, we live on and press backspace on your sh*t cause we’re gangsta like that.

It ain’t nothing but a G thang baby and you ain’t no gangsta…show me your QWERTY so I know you’re gangsta like that.

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