Tuesday 7 August 2012

Age aint nothing but a Binary Number... theBoy Thosh

(-: keyword is Binary :-)

So, I’m 11001 years old. And I know what some of you are thinking, “Really 11001? When are you getting married?” I’d say maybe when I’m 11011. Even though my parent’s married earlier, I feel like that will be the right state of half-life for me to join with another in a closed p2p network. We’ve shared common files and folders for 110 years now, and reduced out seed/leech ratio down to 1:1. We may occasionally log on to other networks or browse online for the sake of staying relevant and contributing to bandwidth usage, but never cast a fishing net into the great cyber sea. She defragments my life.

But enough about such lorem ipsum data. Lets converse about age, and how it really doesn’t hold basis in certain forums. For starters ---> relationships. The age difference between my MacBook Pro and I is huuuuuuuuge. I was decoded , well about 11001 years ago, while Maccie was assembled in China about 11 years ago. We met early this year and fell head-over-heels for each other. Sure, I didn’t get to enjoy unwrapping her warranty-cling clothing and breaking in her buttons, but love was as infinite as anything divided by zero.
I don’t act like I’m the boss of her simply because of my age. And her young age doesn’t make her immature in any way. We form consensus on the daily and make each other happy. She loves these cute little downloads from Apple Inc. so I make sure to bring some home after a work. We do coffee dates at java, and spend the weekends watching movies or playing video games. I foresee many happy clock-cycles with her.

Another circle of discussion where age doesn’t count or at least comes second is in online social media. (Hope y’all saw that pun ---> “age doesn’t count”). Picture breaking words with another life form you found on Facebook or Twitter … and I don’t mean casual words of greetings, weather comparisons or 32 bits (a word = 4 bytes = 32 bits). I’m talking about, “I donno his/her last name but wanna end the night with shouts to heaven”. Your first thought (though important) won’t be, “Hmm, wonder how old they are” ... It will be, “Hmm, wonder what device they have i.e. input or output?
If age really mattered, then the prime years of my life would literally be: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37 … am I right math geeks? So forget about people’s ages, because we clearly don’t get the big picture of knowing such Read-Only information. What matters is how the entity affects your system.

And so says ...
the Boy Thosh

(twitter: @thuita)

*p.s. For those of who don't count in binary during normal days:
11001=25, 11011=27, 110=6, 11=3

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