Sunday 15 April 2012

Ed's note

The topic for our first mlog post is first times.

I think it is an appropriate theme as this is our first post. As we investigate and look back at first times, we hope the experiences and memories are all good and that your first experience with us is a pleasant one. Hopefully someone, anyone will enjoy and learn from the shared experiences, the good the bad and of course the ugly.
Many might wonder why we decided to do this, and the simplest answer is we are young (both literally and figuratively) and no one (magazine-wise) was talking to us so we decide to talk to ourselves and amongst ourselves and here we are.
We hope that you will grace us continually with your presence and make us famous (seriously we want to be famous) and enjoy the ride along as we discover the world, ourselves and you of course. A round of applause goes out to every single person who's posted for us you guys are rock stars!!!
I hope we get to know each other well, and form a wonderful friendship there is a first time for everything after all. 

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