Sunday 15 April 2012

Say something... Manolo Drive

What happens when there are a whole lot of things you want to say and don’t know where to start? As for now, I hate marketing, because it kind of dictates the way people should live their lives. “Get that car, that perfume, that lingerie, that whiskey, and only with these things will you feel worthy.” I don't like it [people should be able to determine their own rules.]

The same goes for all those romantic movies that we girls overdose ourselves with. They make us delusional. They make us think that every guy will say “hi” instead of “hello”, because you think “hi” sounds better. They make us think he'll always buy roses at all the perfect moments, and that men are just waiting to freaking find you all the time. Hello honey, get off your seat and go find the love of your life. Yes, you might end up in tears, but how about just taking a chance in loving and sharing yourself with another beautiful soul.

The thing I detest the most is that ‘Act like A Lady, Think like A Man’ book by Steve Harvey, I don't know if you've read or heard about it. Okay fine I have to give the author credit, most men hold it as relief that they don't have to explain their natural and-not-so-appealing-to-women behaviours anymore, and as much as he has given us ladies light as to how we should love and honour our men, I don't quite know if the book has done more harm than good, or vice versa. It says that a true lady should always wait for the guy to make the first move.  No matter what a guy that wants you will do everything possible and anything within his capability to make it known to you that he wants you, wants you, wants you...

So does it mean that when a "true lady" really is just in awe, has a huge crush, and gets the jitters at the thought of this one particular guy, that she should just back down and wait...wait...wait...for the man to pop up and for heaven's sake say something? Maybe yes that's what a true lady should do but really, we're only human and waiting can only be viable for so long.

And so, with the RISK of revealing myself to not being "lady enough", in the opinion of Mr. Steve Harvey, (and mind you I shall only impose his standards and opinions on myself as far as I can bear- I like to craft my own rules thank you) I want to say that I am utterly tired of waiting. I don't know the formulas, scripts, algorithms, poems and signals that a lady needs to throw at a man she has the fancy for. I didn’t study for some BA/BSc in Flirting or a B.Com in How-To-Tell-Him-You-Want-Him, so Mr. Harvey should just forgive me because I am about to BREAK THE RULES. My mind keeps going to back to the days of “I want to know more about you, I want to know how you are doing. I want to love you. Do you want to love me?”

Most ladies would probably think I’m crazy, most men too. But, I’m tired of the silence that engulfs me. I’m tired of the fear. What do I have to lose?
My pride in relation to the opposite sex . . .? My shyness . . .?  A lot of nervousness? [It's sometimes best to just let some things go.] Whatever huge things I have to lose, well, you (whoever you may be) are worth it. Yes, I’m totally hitting my face with the back of a pan here, but it doesn't matter. I’m not expecting some miraculous response; this is planet earth after all.

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