Sunday 15 April 2012

My first memories as a fashion designer... Maili Moorosi

As far back as I can remember I have loved clothes, not just clothes but fashion; the accessories, shoes, bags and all those wonderful details that go into creating the perfect ensemble. The fuel that ignites the euphoria of trying on a new outfit and having it look fabulously exquisite on you. My first memories are of as a kid looking forward to going Christmas shopping for new clothes with my mother. I recall how magical it felt to go into large department stores, astounded by the wide displays of dresses, tops, jeans and shoes in every colour imaginable under the rainbow. The adventure of searching for the two perfect dresses to wear on Christmas and Boxing Day - such excitement! It was always a treat to look forward to. I would always insist on helping my little brother and sister choose too, I would downright arrange my mom's outfit for work… she had this huge collection of scarves that I was totally crazy about!
During my childhood, I loved to play paper dolls with my little sister, we would think of the craziest designs, drawing them on paper using tons of pens, crayons and aqua pencils to create master pieces. I especially loved texture, I would colour in a pair of denims on a hard concrete surface to create the desired effect, use coffee instead of water paints to get just the correct shade of brown. It was a fascinating process. We would then stage fashion shows and pageants for our mom, dad and little brother; having a wide variety of fun ranges like swimwear, career wear, crazy couture, evening wear, casual and much more.
I remember, how much fun I used to have making clothes for my barbies with scrap pieces of fabric that my grandmother would give to me] from where she was a teacher at a sewing school. I believe she was one of my earliest influences. I enjoyed watching her sew a variety of items for personal clients and I learned so much. I would spend hours with a needle in my hand, which often put my parents in mortal fear for my safety; being an 8 year old kid with a needle! So, they ended up getting me - my first sewing machine … A pink kid’s miniature sewing machine that worked incredibly well… I loved it!
Fashion has run in my veins for a long time and now that I think back I realize how deep as I look back on those first days.] The things I have done for this art are almost criminal! I remember around the time I was in class 5 in primary school. I told my mom we had a project at school where we had to do a sketch of our favorite thing for ‘Show & Tell’ so I told her I needed blank A4 sheets and new coloring pencils – well, she bought them for me and everyday after school, I would rush home to draw my fashion sketches. I recall at the time I was really into Princess Diana’s style and I had a magazine that had a fashion spread of her, it was so elegant and beautiful. I would try to duplicate the clothing, changing a detail here and there, it was such fun, I even remember one rainy day the lights went out and there I was, on the kitchen table crayon in hand sketching away under a candle light! My word! I laugh as I remember how my mom looked at me with an exasperated look on her face and said “when exactly does this project of yours end?” I think she already knew! I had made about 20 sketches! Let me not forget to mention that we were not given such a project at school!
That’s how I first learned how to make fashion illustrations. I taught myself. It also got me into quite a lot of trouble with my high school math’s teacher Ms. Frost as I reminisce… I didn’t enjoy mathematics at all – oh what a loathsome subject it used to be for me! Whenever I got bored I would sketch! My exercise books were full of illustrations and I would even make a fancy heading with flowers and frills which she always called me to her desk to explain - much to her annoyed dismay! Luckily I still managed to get a passing grade in the subject!
It wasn’t until my later years, still in high school that I finally learned how to channel my energy in the right direction. I still made fashion portfolios as a hobby, creating collections from inspirations I gathered along my daily journeys and I grew to notice that so many people were interested in them. I started selling sketches, for R10 each; business was usually good around the time of our high school’s annual matric dance. I was hardly ever broke. By the time I was in my graduating year, I had sold about 40 sketches. It inspired me to take my passion further and it was at that time I first realized [also with much prompting from a significant number of people] that my calling was to be a Fashion Designer. So off I went into the bright lights of Gauteng, to study what I had been most intrigued with since I was a kid. I was taken in immediately upon my first interview, after a board of 4 lecturers had glimpsed a look at my entrance portfolio. Those four years of study were the best ever in my life! [Such a joy – to do what I loved passionately every single day without getting into trouble!] I have since mastered my art and I continue to grow and learn everyday, from having showcased my work at several fashion shows, the annual Cape Town Fashion Week, designing
collections for a prominent brand, liaising with investors to establish a fashion industry in Lesotho where none has been previously existent, enjoying an ever expanding client base and continuing to do what I love best. But the first time I most look forward to is the day I finally open the doors to my own exclusive boutique and grow my brand  ‘LaXrys Couture’ ™  internationally into an empire.

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