Wednesday 25 July 2012

---- Computers vs. (Men vs. Women) ---- Chimzy

A man was created as the ‘provider’ and the woman, the ‘receiver’ but nowhere is it written that the woman’s place is beneath the man.

Having that argument settled, let us continue. I care not to count but many years ago, the workplace was male dominated. The man was the go-getter, his role as a provider and a family man was to go out into the world, fight off the wild beasts to bring back home a piece of ‘bacon’ that would then be turned into a meal by the woman left to look after the home. This pattern of life can be traced in history up to the First World War right down to the Industrial Revolution. When the men left to fight in the war, the workplace became vacant. What followed is a trend so prominent today (women in the workplace). After the men left for the war, the women who initially started off as home keepers were now required to work and what they did was to make bullets or ammunition which the men needed to fight the war. This is a very significant transition to note because the majority of problems between men and women in the workplace emanate from this among other reasons.
When the war ended or rather when the men returned from war were shocked to find that instead of doing what they were doing before, the women had now taken charge and this is as you see it today. However this is only one side of the story because women have been supressed to work for a long time emphasizing that their place is in the home to look after the family. To this you can testify about women activists who have stood up for women’s rights.
Why am I telling you all this? Well, so that you can understand the present trends and especially in relation to Information Technology (IT) should we narrow the scope. The IT is an elite club, a special club that has however unfortunately unfairly been blown out of proportion as far as reputation goes. It’s not a geek club, the doors to this club are wide open but what is perpetuated out there is that in order to join, you have to get your geek on. Maybe that perpetuated lie would have held true a few years ago, but today? Really? Pick a random person off the street; it’s highly likely that they Google most things e.g. how to toast bread on an ironJ. The point is, if a common man can figure their way around the so-called sophisticated technology, imagine what advantage the majority of people are sitting on to realise their potential in I.T. but are unfortunately held back because of fear to try.
Having said all this, it’s only fair to acknowledge that women have come a long way. I stand proud to see more women taking charge and breaking into the IT industry. I have met with many women in my days that can do things with computers that most men can only imagine. This is not to stab my fellow men in the back but seeing a woman rise like that is intimidating because the position that the man once held so strongly and defined the man is now up for grabs and the women are bidding too. I think as men we should embrace this trend rather that fear it and be intimidated that now a woman can rise as far as top management and more. We are co-workers and I truly believe that together (men and women) we can achieve so much more. What we title ‘Men vs. Women’ should not even be the case but then again what do you expect of a society that is brain washed with broadcasted nonsense such as ‘girls run the world’ or ‘this is a man’s world’?…We are setting ourselves up to fail if we advance with a mind-set that we are at war with each other and in the end it doesn’t even matter the amount of effort we put in to make life work. I despise this premature African mentality of preventing a fellow brother or sister from advancing and succeeding in life and it all has to do with a mind-set that needs to be unshackled. I.T in Africa still has a long way to go as far as development of its infrastructure goes and the more women can stand up to this call, the faster we can develop our Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and bridge the gaps between the digital and non-digital worlds. It’s up to you how you advance from here but tread carefully for we are all created equal but they will convince you that some are created more equal than others *Such nonsense*.

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