Thursday 26 July 2012

Somebody help us!! ... Laura

This is going to be short and sweet... kind of like a popsicle or a quickie

We are in trouble...
Men are replacing us, with what you may ask? And I answer, with everything. Yes everything. We come from a generation of spoilt men, spoilt for choice. They don't have to work as hard as they used to get women. Because a) we are our worst enemies and throw ourselves at them like pennies and b) technology and when I say technology I mean the internet. They don't have to do much and that has made them lazy and demanding.  

What do men want? I know this question is usually directed at women but men have been embracing their "feminine/emotional" side over the past years, so now they are kinda sorta maybe starting to think like us. They want it all now. That used to be our line, but not anymore. They want an all in one woman now. They want traditional women but enlightened traditional women, or independent women but like conservative independent. She should like girly stuff like flowers and perfume but also sports, beer, girl on girl blah blah blah...
I'm convinced that if men had the choice and it was acceptable to do so in all of society’s eyes, they would date each other, I mean all the attributes that are now 'supposedly' desirable in women are usually found in men, they would leave women to fend for themselves with unopened jars and running away from bugs they can't kill (SPIDER!). 
I mean seriously they only like women because they are soft, smell nice and have boobs... If their fellow men were half as attractive as women then we'd be in a lot of trouble

Actually ladies I think we already are. I mean we’ve all watched Hangover 2 right? (For those who haven’t, do you live under a rock or something?)

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